Friday, August 31, 2007

Nice Homes In Our Lyell-Otis Neighborhood!

One sunny morning in August, I took a drive in the Lyell-Otis neighborhood with our Security officer, Franklin Louk, and took pictures of just a sampling of the beautiful homes in our area! We were out for about three hours, and didn't get to all of our streets! When time allows, and the weather cooperates, we will drive the streets we didn't get to on this day, and post more nice photos.

If you noticed that I missed your well maintained home, or if you have a wonderful garden that I didn't see from the street/sidewalk, PLEASE send me a picture, and I'll happily add it to our website!

This is what the general public should think of when they hear "LYELL", NOT the other, more publicized, yet less accurate description of our area.

This neighborhood has MANY GOOD PEOPLE who:

- are tired of the bad press and negative image associated with our area

- take care and pride in their homes and property 

- want to see their property values increase, rather than decrease

- want to celebrate the rich history that is in this neighborhood and the entire City of Rochester!


Please let me know what you think about these photos, either by emailing me at, or by leaving a comment on this post.

I hope you enjoy the beauty that is in the Lyell-Otis neighborhood!

I want to see more of it!  HOW ABOUT YOU?!?

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